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Crystal Tidwell

Certified Consultant


My Story

My story...I'm a stay at home mom. I have two boys (men) ages 20 & 17 and two girls ages 8 & 3. I "attended" an online Scentsy party that a friend was hosting and something just clicked in my head that said why not? So I joined at the end of October 2016 with the intentions of supporting my own Scentsy addiction but also earning a little additional money to help out around the house. What I didn't realize is that I would be gaining so much more! I'm part of a truly awesome, inspiring, sincere team that motivates and encourages me to be not only a better consultant but better ME!! And what is cooler than that?! Oh yeah I get paid to do it. I get paid to feel better about myself, I get paid to stay at home to take care of my children, I get paid to party and make friends! It's more than I ever imagined it would or could be.

What's warming in my home